GSA Contract Management

Expert GSA Contract Management to Maximize Results

 CapITal Reps offers a complete range of post contract award services GSA services to maintain, grow and keep contracts contractually compliant.

On-going GSA Contract Management and Support

Getting award was tough but it's no good unless you keep your contract current, accurate and complete.

We provide but are not limited to the following post award GSA services:

Preparing, Submitting and Negotiating the approval of contract modifications, as required

Serve as your primary POC with your GSA Contracting Officer/Specialist

GSA Contract Modifications

We quickly and efficiently prepare, submit contract modifications including:

  • Additions of New Products/Services
  • Deletion of Products/Services
  • Price Reductions
  • Economic Price Adjustments (EPAs)
  • Administrative Revisions
  • Addition of Special Item Numbers (SINs)
  • Contract Novations
  • Contract Merger

GSA Contract Extension

GSA schedules are valid for five-years with three five-year options (total of 20 years).

 We track and assist our clients in the submission of their five-year renewals to maintain their contract performance period.

GSA Contractor Visits

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All schedule contractors are subject to visits from GSA to ensure contract compliance.  We assist our clients in dry runs of a visit, prepare doc's, review expectations and commonly attend the sessions.

GSA has been using a Contractor Report Card, as part of the Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) Contractor Assessment Initiative, to reflect how well MAS contractors manage and comply with contractual requirements. The Report Card combines results of Industrial Operations Analysts visits to contractor facilities with Administrative Contracting Officer input regarding contract compliance. After five years, it was time to update and improve on the original concept to better reflect the current acquisition environment. The first of the redesigned MAS Contractor Report Cards was successfully issued on August 21st!

The revised Report Card program includes some new areas of evaluation, including:

  • System or process to monitor the "basis of award" pricing
  • Meeting the minimum sales criteria ($25,000 over first 2 years, then $25,000 annually)
  • Including prompt payment terms on invoices
  • Use of electronic contracting tools

In addition, GSA has changed the way they calculate the contractor's overall rating. The previous calculation was simple but not very useful. A score of 27 out of 27 items resulted in an "outstanding" rating; a score of 22 to 26 resulted in a "successful"; and fewer than 22 produced an "unsuccessful" rating. On the new Report Card, each evaluation area is classified as mandatory-critical, mandatory but not critical, or above-and-beyond. Nine topics were determined to be mandatory-critical, so failure in any of those areas causes an overall rating of "serious concerns exist". If all mandatory-critical items are met, ratings will range from "very good" to "satisfactory" to "marginal" depending on performance on the other eleven mandatory but not critical items. Finally, six topics reflect efforts to go above and beyond the contractual requirements. Contractors who receive a "very good" based on the mandatory criteria, and achieve five of six of these extra credit areas, get an "exceptional" overall rating.

MAS Report Cards are issued midway through each five year contract term, and again within six to twelve months prior to contract expiration. MAS Contracting Officers use the report cards as a part of their review of past performance for making a decision on exercising the contract option. MAS Contracting Officers are also looking to see that, where appropriate, contractors have made improvements between the time of the midterm Report Card and the expiring contract Report Card.

The MAS Contractor Report Card is designed to provide contractors with helpful feedback on how they are managing the many obligations that come with holding a Schedule contract. Some of the changes in the new version were made in response to industry feedback, and others were generated internally. The Report Card deals strictly with performance against MAS Terms and Conditions and is visible only within GSA and to the individual contractor. It is not used by customer agencies since it does not evaluate performance on individual task and delivery orders.